Monday, January 4, 2010

A Creative Year Ahead!

Hello to everyone out there.

I am a professional photographer undertaking an exciting and challenging exercise for the year 2010.

I have decided to take up the challenge of the '365 day project'. If you are unfamiliar with this task, basically I need to take a photograph on everyday of the year. Seems easy, but there has been a large amount of people try this in the past, with only a small number actually completing the task.

I may or may not be able to complete this 'project', but I am going to give it a go and see what happens.

So check back on a regular basis to see how I am progressing and feel free to add comments and constructive criticisms to each and every photo.

Official start date for my project is 2/1/2010 and end date will be 1/1/2011.


  1. oh good on u! i'd been planning on doing this forever and each year i forget!

  2. It's never too late to start. I made my start on the 2nd day of the year, why not start today??
